Minimum Available Space Registry entry
Generates a warning message when the space remaining in a database reaches a specified threshold.

With this Registry entry, System Administrators can specify that a warning message is generated when the space remaining in a database reaches a given threshold (in records). This entry is of particular use in web environments in which databases have a fixed capacity (due to batch insertions being disabled) and are not reconfigured automatically as they must be available 24/7.
This Registry entry is used by the vwdbusage utility, which must be scheduled to run using cron by a System Administrator.
The threshold specified in this entry should take into account a database's expected rate of growth and the scheduling of the vwdbusage utility, allowing sufficient time for a System Administrator to increase the database's capacity.
This Registry entry is assigned at the system level only:
Key | System |
Key 1 | System |
Key 2 | Setting |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | table |
Key 5 | Minimum Available Space |
Value | threshold |

System | Setting | Table | table | Minimum Available Space | threshold |
threshold | is an amount of space expressed as a number of records. When the available space in the database is insufficient to store a number of records > threshold, a warning message is generated. |
When this entry is set a warning message will be generated when the vwdbusage utility is run if the ewebdeaths database only has sufficient space for <= 2000 records:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | System |
Key 2 | Setting |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | ewebdeaths |
Key 5 | Minimum Available Space |
Value | 2000 |